***Here’s a making of wiki for my last feature film M doll
Maybe I’ll make a wiki thing for this film too who knows? I would just do it for the future as people won’t believe I did all this shit so I have to document it haha
Anyhow- So I finished the second step in making this musical film wherein I’m just doing what seems to make sense as I’ve never made a musical film before- just films and music and games- don’t think game dev/dev experience will help this project much except when it comes to production since I’ll create the visuals in Unity-
*** Double anyhow
Step 0 create a rough outline of the “story” in Scrivener
Step 1 record improv madness takes for all the story bits- improvise songs based on story bits
Step 2 create chord only versions of the improvised songs using some lyrics but really none of the melodies etc
The step 2 chord only versions are very simple- they look like the following in Reason- just a piano for the chords and a single audio track for temp vocals
So step 3 is I’m going to hand over my files to musicians more skilled than myself and with more knowledge and appreciation of musicals-
There are 27 songs/numbers- this is how I organized the files to pass on
So its a folder with track number and the same of the song- and inside the folder is an audio file of the temp version, a text file with the lyrics, and the reason project file for the song-
I’m going to get Reason licenses for the musicians so we can work in Reason for the whole project though I’ll mix the final film audio in Nuendo-
So the songs I have created so far musically are simple and repetitive in my opinion- they need variations, they need builds, they need solo’s, they need orchestration, they need harmonies, they need more interplay etc
So yeah I’m going to hand my stuff over and asked them to build up the songs, polish the songs and make them better- I’ll also ask them to re-record the vocal temps as my where super fast and shitty going off key here and there-
Since I don’t like lagging- going to keep a good pace with this thing as we’ll probably only be in Portugal for ~2 years so I want to wrap the whole thing up while we’re here-
I imagine the next stage should only take 3-6 months at most- while I’m waiting for the musicians at the next phase I’ll be working on prepping the visual materials for the film- actor models, animations, sets etc etc
So yeah- moving forward————>